Battle of the schools!
College life started a month ago.... so let's make some comparisons, shall we? Let the battle between PSDC and PCGHS begin!
Round 1 - Enviroment:
PCGHS - fans in classrooms, wooden/plastic chairs, no elevators or anything...
PSDC - air-con everywhere (except smoking area), waaaay more comfortable cushion chairs and elevators that has a sweet female voice going "going up! door closing! 2nd floor!"
Round 1: PSDC, the elevators are really interesting
Round 2 - Distance:-
PCGHS - 30mins - 45mins (depending on traffic - mostly busy) from my house.
PSDC - 5mins - 10mins (not much traffic) from my house.
Round 2: PSDC
Round 3 - Lessons length:-
PCGHS - about 5 hours and a half per day - if EST is included then an extra 2 hours per week, 5 days per week (not including co-corricular act.)
PSDC - 4 days per week (NO co-corricular act.), 23 hours and a half per week (6 hours less)...
Round 3: PSDC
Round 4 - Break length:-
PCGHS - 20 mins recess...
PSDC - Monday - 1 hour and a half, Tuesday - 2 hours, Wednesday - 1 hour and a half, Thursday - 15 mins.
Round 4 - PSDC (hands down!)
Round 5 - Subjects studied:-
PCGHS - 11 subjects... (for form 4 & 5, that is..)
PSDC - 5 subjects... (for this semester)
Round 5 - definately PSDC
Round 6 - Exams, projects, assignments, tests... etc
PCGHS - 2 Exams, 2 tests, lots of homework (mostly finish in school), a couple of projects...
PSDC - 2 Exams, several tests, endless quizes (graded & non-graded), not much homework, a couple of projects... (almost every week there's 2 quizes/exams/tests...)
Round 6 - PCGHS!!! (ya, i prefer more homework than tests, thank you very much!)
Round 7 - Staff & Teachers/ Lecturers...
PCGHS - Staff..... haiz.... need we say more? Teachers, some are great, some are good, some are well.... you know...
PSDC - Staff... so far so good... Lecturers, generally good... :)
Round 7 - Staff - PSDC, Teachers/Lecturers - Tie...
Round 8 - Rules and Regulations...
PCGHS - I wondered how I survived... not long yet not too short hair, short nails, clip your pinafore (even if you can barely fit in), clip that 'pas keluar' (out-of class pass that looks like you're in prison), MUST not order food if there's 5 mins left in recess (even though you are certain you can finish it in like 30 seconds and dying of hunger), eating with the canteen warden muttering in your ear - please eat faster and go back to class..., line-up no matter where you go, no handphone, no iPod, not even thumbdrives (unless you give a VERY good reason why or apply to the discipline section), must arrive in class before bell rings or before the prefect leaves (whichever first) to mark your attendance if not you're late, 3 times you're late, detention!
PSDC - I'm practically at home... hair any-length, any-colour! no need any pass... no canteen wardens.. no need to line up as long as you show up in time... handphone, iPod everything is allowed! Arrive in time or rather within 15 mins after class starts, after 15 mins you're late, after 30 mins you're absent.
Round 8 - PSDC, of course! At least I don't feel like a convict.
Round 9 - Uniform
PCGHS - clipped light blue pinafore with white (specifically female) shirt, white socks (not too long, not too short), white perfectly tied shoes with equally white shoelaces (specifically more than 6 holes), your student ID and the school logo sewn on the upper left hand corner (not too high not too low), your form's ribbon (to state whether which form you are in) with colours that don't match the whole thing at all...
PSDC - any clothes that are not sleveless or too revealing with long pants or not too short skirts with your student ID badge.
Round 9 - PSDC, at least I don't look like a duplicate or horrified with nightmares where everyone looks alike.
Round 10 - Notes/Textbooks/cards....
PCGHS - lots of textbooks, exercise books, green card, white card, yellow card (ring a bell anyone?).
PSDC - Bring your notes, some papers, only 1 textbook.
Round 10 - PSDC
Round 11 - Accuracy of notes, textbooks etc
PCGHS - mostly correct, either that or you are the one who copied wrongly.
PSDC - most of the slides (which are from MMU) have grammar/spelling mistakes... The english textbook (also from MMU) has like 2 errors per page!
Round 11 - PCGHS (although it's more of MMU's fault rather than PSDC)
Round 12 - Food...
PCGHS - hawker delights... Hokkien Mee (Prawn Mee), Nasi Lemak, Fried Kuay Teow, Economy Rice and different varieties of drinks. Usually spend between RM2 til RM4, and you'll get a decent meal.
PSDC - fried rice, chicken rice, waffle, with only 1 hawker dish that sells faster than hot pancakes... Budget: RM3 - RM4.50 (not including drinks, even though skyjuice is free)
Round 12 - PCGHS!!! I miss the Fried Kuay Teow a lot!!!!!
Round 13 - Exercise...
PCGHS - from a class to another is soooo far as there's 3 blocks, 3-5 floors per block... plus if you're in a hurry, pure joy! You are also forced to do sit-ups/ pumping/ running/ jumping/ sports/ marching etc in P.E., house practice and co-corricular act.
PSDC - no jumping, running or sports in any sorts. No exercise needed at all, since there's an elevator and the blocks are quite near to each other.
Round 13 - PCGHS!!! We NEED exercise, I forgot how to sweat!
Round 14 - Class Length...
PCGHS - 35 mins (I think) per class or max. 1 hour during lab session.
PSDC - 3 hours lecture, 1 hour and a half for tutorial...
Round 14 - PCGHS! 3 hours is too long for 1 subject.
End result... PCGHS - 5, PSDC - 9. 1 tie. But to be fair, I don't follow a lot of rules in PCGHS and it's not like I finish many of my homework so actually it should be PCGHS - 7, PSDC - 7, 1 tie. SO.... in conclusion, the comparison doesn't make much a difference as both are quite good although it's in diffent aspects... ;P
Gotta go to PSDC now... Ms. Annie's class starting in 25mins.... BYE!
Hugs, muaks and looooots of kisses,